Are you prepared for the future of your Smart Home business?


There are many different IoT or Smart Home ecosystems like Amazon Echo, Google Assistant, Homekit or openHAB and they are even evolving. Also the business perspective with this becomes more important and will be a crucial aspect for the acceptance of your products. In addition to that, you have the chance to set up a digital business model, to expand your revenue and your customer loyalty. 

As a manufacturer you have to be aware of several aspects to digitize your products: the integration into ecosystems, cloud connections and interoperability and much more. What do you need to deploy successful IoT products in the consumer industry? How can you achieve the necessary interoperability? What standards should you be aware of? How will the future look like? Where to start?

You will get the answer of all these questions in our free webinar.


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Top 4 Takeaways

The future of Smart Home

Technical key drivers - standards and interoperability

Chances of your consumer IoT products

Action points and business opportunities



Sebastian Creischer

Sebastian Creischer has a backround in creating digital business models for smart IoT products. He supports manufacturers by connecting devices and developing digital services in a holistic approach. He focuses on bringing people and technology together, which is crucial for the success of any project. This can create an iterative process to generate data, evaluate it for new insights, and integrate it into new services.


Benedikt Niehues
Benedikt Niehues, Senior Software Architect Smart Technologies joined itemis AG in 2005. He started supporting customers of different domains getting their software development on a higher abstraction level with model driven approaches. While doing so he came into contact with the SmartHome world and it’s variety of technologies and requirements. With his background in electrical engineering and computer science he is currently mainly developing smart systems for the internet of things (IoT).

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Webinar recording including the presentation.